KenKen Parity Strategy
The first discussion of the Parity Strategy found so far is in 2010 by Tom Davis. Separately in a 2011 paper by Reiter, Thornton and Vennebush. I am grateful to Roger Taft for finding these, composing much of this article and sending examples found from solving KenKen puzzles. As of 1st February 2025 the full Parity Strategy implementation is in the KenKen solver. Should be a powerful tool on the hardest puzzles. Looking at you New York Times. (Ed.) Parity is easy to check for. When other strategies have been exhausted, there is a good chance an advance based on parity is possible. That advance usually solves the whole puzzle.
Take this very simple situation of a single row in a 6x6 KenKen. We know that the whole row must add up to 21, an
ODD number. The two cages with -1 must have values that add up to an
ODD number.
ODDs make an
EVEN therefore the final unknown cage must be
ODD to fit with the whole row being
The possible values of that 12x cage are: {2,6} and {3,4}. {2,6} sums to 8 which is
EVEN and is ruled out. {3,4} sums to 7 which is
ODD and so must be the values for that cage.
Determining Cage Parity
First, some terminology. A KenKen board is a 6x6 square grid of
cells. Adjacent rows (or columns) can be grouped together as a
block. Within a block there are
cages, a set of contiguous cells, with an associated arithmetic operation (add, subtract, multiply, divide) and a
target value. The cages may be
complete (wholly inside the black) or
partial (where the cage is crossed by a block boundary).
Parity is the mathematical property of being
ODD or
EVEN. The odd numbers, 1, 3, 5 … have odd parity. The even numbers 2, 4, 6 … have even parity. The sum of two odd numbers is even so has even parity. A set of odd numbers has the parity of the count of the number of items in the set. Each row or column in the board sums to 21 (giving rise to the “Rule of 21”) so has odd parity. A block has the parity of the width of the block. So a block 2 rows wide has EVEN parity as does the whole board.
Each cage or partial cage in a block has a parity. The parity strategy looks for a block where each cage (complete or partial) has a known parity except exactly one. Since the parity of the block is known, the parity of the single unknown cage becomes known. This new information is used to advance the solution.
The parity of a block is the parity of the block width: blocks 1, 3, and 5 wide have
ODD parity, blocks 2, 4, and 6 (the whole puzzle) have
EVEN parity.
The Parity Rule is: Find a block where all cages (complete and partial) have known parity except for a single cage (complete or partial). Then the parity of the unknown cage is:
Block Parity | Known Cage Parity | Unknown Cage Parity |
| ODD | ODD |
| ODD | EVEN |
Unknown Cage Example
Pairs of rows or columns add up to 42, an
EVEN number.
Columns 5 and 6 (blue rectangle) wholly enclose three cages.
The top cage starting on
A5 is 15+ so
ODD. The bottom cage starting on
E5 is 14+ so
This example.

The one remaining cage starting on
B4 is our target. To determine the parity of the whole block, exclusive of the target cage, we simply count the number of odd parity elements and note the parity of the count. In this case there is one odd so the aggregate is
ODD, meaning the target must be
A 72x in a four-cage with 'dog-leg' cells implies these solutions as seen in the cage hover:
2x3x3x4 = 72 which is 2+3+3+4 = 12
EVEN2x2x3x6 = 72 which is 2+2+3+6 = 13
ODD1x3x4x4 = 72 which is 1+3+3+4 = 13
ODD1x2x6x6 = 72 which is 1+2+6+6 = 15
ODDThe first option is
EVEN so we can discard it.
The third option is not possible given the remaining candidates in the cells.
If those two options are discarded there is no place for a 4 in the cage.
Note: In this example the block value is 42 which is
EVEN. So it does not contribute to the parity count. Whereas the single row example we started with sums to 21 - which is
ODD and so it included in the count of elements.
We could also consider the whole board. It contains seven
ODD cages confirming the one unknown cage is
ODD as well.
Common Parity Cases
The parity of a complete cage depends on the operation and target value. Here are the parities of the common cases:
Cage Operation Plus or Minus. Parity of the target value.
For example, the parity of a cage with a 1- operation is
Cage Operation Division. There are only 5 total cases:
2 = 6/3 = 4/2 = 2/1 UNKNOWN
3 = 3/1 = 6/2
EVEN4 = 4/1
ODD5 = 5/1
EVEN6 = 6/1
ODDCage Operation Multiply- see below
The parity of a partial cage is:
- Partial Cage, One Cell, Solved: Parity of solved cell
- Partial Cage, One Cell, All Values Same Parity: Common parity
- Partial Cage, Two Cell Pair: Parity of pair
- Partial Cage, Three Cell Triple: Parity of triple
Having determined the parity of the unknown cage, some reduction in that cage is usually possible. The common cases are:
- Cell Value Now Known. Set cell to the value.
- Cell Parity Now Known. Eliminate numbers of the other parity from the cell.
- Cage Parity Now Known, Two Solutions. Set cage to the valid solution.
- Cage Parity Now Known, Three Solutions. Examine invalid solutions for values that do not appear in the valid solutions and eliminate those values. For example, a cage with the clue 2/ has the possible solutions: {1,2}, {2,4}, {3,6}. If the cage is determined to have even parity the cage is {2,4}; if the cage is determined to have odd parity all 4s can be eliminated
Example 2
This example is taken from
KenKen 40924 targets the one cage inside the block with an unknown parity. It is almost the reverse of the first example in that the innie
D6 has a known parity but one internal cage is unknown.

The Rows C+D must add up to 42, so
EVENCage C1 (2÷) remaining solutions {1,2} and 3,6} both
ODDCell C2 (4)
Cage C4 (3-)
ODDCage C5 (9+)
ODDCell D6 = {4,6}
EVENSo unknown cage C3 (20x) must be
ODDA 3-cell cage with 20x has possible values of {1,4,5}
EVEN or {2,2,5}
ODD so the eventual solution must be the latter.
Parity Value for Common Multiply Cases
4 (2 cell) | = 1*4 | ODD |
4 (3 cell) | = 1*1*4 = 1*2*2 | UNKNOWN |
6 (2 cell) | = 1*6 = 2*3 | ODD |
6 (3 cell) | = 1*1*6 = 1*2*3 | EVEN |
8 (2 cell) | = 2*4 | EVEN |
8 (3 cell) | = 1*2*4 | ODD |
9 (3 cell) | = 1*3*3 | ODD |
10 (2 cell) | = 2*5 | ODD |
10 (3 cell) | = 1*2*5 | EVEN |
12 (2 cell) | = 2*6 = 3*4 | UNKNOWN |
12 (3 cell) | = 1*2*6 = 1*3*4 = 2*2*3 | UNKNOWN |
15 (2 cell) | = 3*5 | EVEN |
15 (3 cell) | = 1*3*5 | ODD |
16 (3 cell) | =1*4*4 = 2*2*4 | UNKNOWN |
18 (2 cell) | = 3*6 | ODD |
18 (3 cell) | = 1*3*6 = 2*3*3 | EVEN |
20 (2 cell) | = 4*5 | ODD |
20 (3 cell) | = 1*4*5 = 2*2*5 | UNKNOWN |
24 (2 cell) | = 4*6 | EVEN |
24 (3 cell) | = 1*4*6 = 2*2*6 = 2*3*4 | UNKNOWN |
25 (3 cell) | = 1*5*5 | ODD |
30 (2 cell) | = 5*6 | ODD |
30 (3 cell) | = 1*5*6 = 2*3*5 | EVEN |
32 (3 cell) | = 2*4*4 | EVEN |
36 (3 cell) | = 1*6*6 = 2*3*6 = 3*3*4 | UNKNOWN |
40 (3 cell) | = 2*4*5 | ODD |
45 (3 cell) | = 3*3*5 | ODD |
48 (3 cell) | = 2*4*6 = 3*4*4 | UNKNOWN |
48 (4 cell) | = 1*2*4*6 = 2*2*3*4 | ODD |
50 (3 cell) | = 2*5*5 | EVEN |
50 (4 cell) | = 1*2*5*5 | ODD |
54 (3 cell) | = 3*3*6 | EVEN |
60 (3 cell) | = 2*5*6 = 3*4*5 | UNKNOWN |
60 (4 cell) | = 1*2*5*6 = 1*3*4*5 = 2*2*3*5 | UNKNOWN |
72 (3 cell, straight) | = 3*4*6 | ODD |
72 (3 cell, bent) | = 2*6*6 = 3*4*6 | UNKNOWN |
75 (3 cell) | = 3*5*5 | ODD |
80 (3 cell) | = 4*4*5 | ODD |
90 (3 cell) | = 3*5*6 | EVEN |
96 (3 cell) | = 4*4*6 | EVEN |
100 (3 cell) | = 4*5*5 | EVEN |
108 (3 cell) | = 3*6*6 | ODD |
120 (3 cell) | = 4*5*6 | ODD |
120 (4 cell) | = 1*4*5*6 = 2*2*5*6 = 2*3*4*5 | UNKNOWN |
144 (3 cell) | = 4*6*6 | EVEN |
150 (3 cell) | = 5*5*6 | EVEN |
180 (3 cell) | = 5*6*6 | ODD |
216 (4 cell) | = 2*3*6*6 = 3*3*4*6 | UNKNOWN |
288 (4 cell) | = 2*4*6*6 = 3*4*4*6 | UNKNOWN |
288 (5 cell) | = 2*2*3*4*6 | ODD |
Example 3 - Whole Board
Good example of a
Whole Board parity elimination is this example. We have one cage we can't figure out the parity for and it is a 2÷ - the cage starting on

The whole board has
EVEN parity (6x21) so doesn't count.
There are 4 cages with
EVEN parity.
And there are 9 cages with
ODD parity so
DE1 must be odd. That excludes {2,4} as solutions. We can remove the 4s.
Example 4 - Single Row Innie
Example 3 we have one cage with unknown parity, the red 3-cell cage with 72x as the clue.

Looking at row E we see there is one
EVEN cage and one
ODD cage. What about
E6? There is a cage straddling the row. We can decide that
E6 is odd by looking at the remaining clues 1 and 5. Both are
ODD numbers.
Give the row is
ODD and
E6 is
ODD and cage on
E4 is
ODD we have three
ODDs. So the last remaining cell, the innie in
E3 must be
ODD. That excludes 4 and 6.
Example 5 - Two Rows + Innie
Here is a larger 2 row block
Innie Example.

The 3-cell cage on
D1 is fortunately partially solved and 'splits' the cage. The remaining two cells in
DE1 contain 1 and 2. Together those cells sum to an
ODD number.
There are two other cages wholly inside the block which are
ODD. Three odds means the innie in
D4 must be
ODD allowing us to remove 4 and 6.
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