Solver App for Android
Strategies for Popular Number Puzzles
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Feedback and Questions

I've received a lot of interesting comments and questions from Sudoku fans over the last few years and this page is where I try to answer them. I'm also directing Str8ts feedback here. Please feel free to drop me a note on the side of the page. Or you can email me directly at .

Post a Comment or Question here...
Your Name or 'Handle'

Part of the World you're from

Email Address (optional) so I can reply directly if necessary (it will not be displayed here)

Any Sudoku you want to publish here for easy loading into the solver - 81 characters, use '.' or '0' for unknowns.

public - comment/question will be added to feedback column
private - email comment/question directly to Andrew Stuart, don't display here

Comment, question or feedback:

Enter these letters
Please enter the
letters you see:

If you are writing to alert me of a problem (thank-you!) please include a url to the page in question.
Can get fixes in quicker if I know immediately where to go.
Many thanks to all the people who have helped improve the solvers and strategies with their feedback!

Sunday 7-Jul-2024

... by: Jan, Germany

In the solver, trying to edit candidates leads to an x/y NaN, which makes the solver unuseable. Chrome 126.0

Andrew Stuart writes:
Thanks! Should be fixed now

Friday 5-Jul-2024

... by: Ivydoom, Europe

Just found your solver. I absolutely appreciate the step-by-step solving so I can actually learn how to get better instead of simply looking op a solution. So just thanks!

Andrew Stuart writes:
Fantastic and thanks for the feedback!

Thursday 4-Jul-2024

... by: Tom, France

Is it my finger trouble, or have you stopped supplying strong link data on simple colouring checks?

Andrew Stuart writes:
Fixed now, refresh. Yes something I was fixing yesterday caused me to delete something I shouldn't have. There's a reason I don't work on nuclear reactor code ;)

Wednesday 3-Jul-2024

... by: Rex, Sedona, AZ

I was working on your December 2023 Puzzle Pack No. 19, got stuck, so put what I had into your Solver. The Solver proceeded normally then it got stuck (read "wait") and stayed that way. Is this one unsolvable? BTW, I enjoy your puzzles and Solver very much.



Andrew Stuart writes:
Just give it a moment and refresh. I'm trying to track down the source of crashes. I get an alert but very little information. I think it is to do with simultaneous users or just being too busy in that moment. But it self-recovers.

Sunday 30-Jun-2024

... by: dandy, USA

bug found

this sudoku puzzle seems to have stalled the algoithm:
5,U,8, 4,U,U, U,U,U,
1,U,U, U,U,U, 4,U,2,
6,8,5, 1,2,3, U,U,4,
7,U,U, U,U,U, U,6,1,
U,U,U, U,U,U, 8,U,5,
U,U,U, 8,7,1, 5,4,3,
U,5,U, 3,U,9, 6,U,U,
U,U,3, U,U,6, U,U,U

Andrew Stuart writes:
Missing a line. Try with [Email this board].

Friday 28-Jun-2024

... by: Mary, Canada

Hi Andrew,
I just noticed the "Check" button on the Str8ts puzzle - thank you so much!
Love your games - I'm a big fan,
Mary Clark

Andrew Stuart writes:
Excellent! Thanks

Monday 24-Jun-2024

... by: rkd12, United States

Yikes..... you are correct !! Control + F5 worked..... thank you !!

Sunday 23-Jun-2024

... by: Gary Lee Jones, usa

Printable version is still not working... seems to be all types..

Andrew Stuart writes:
I've checked again - wasn't working for Jigsaw and Killer. Fixed. Rest seem to be okay. If not for you [CRTL]+[F5] and let me know if not

Friday 21-Jun-2024

... by: Miss Moore Precise, EU

Printable version of the current board is not rendering correctly.

Andrew Stuart writes:
Fixed thank-you. Needed my hand guided there ;)
[CTRL]+[F5] on the print popup if not working first time

Friday 21-Jun-2024

... by: rkd12, United States

Same issue reported by Phil from Ontario. Print1 & Print2 not displaying.
On another note... this is a great site !!

Andrew Stuart writes:
Awesome, thx
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Thank-you everyone for all your questions and contributions.