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6x6 KenDoku® Solver
By Andrew Stuart, In association with
Click to edit candidates or enter a solution:
Pick an example here

Help on KenDoku Definitions used in this solver for transporting puzzles
1 2 3 4 5 6
Version 2.32.1
See Strategy Overview documentation
Show Candidates
Check for Solved Squares   
Show Possibles  
 1: Singles in Row/Col   
 2: Singles in Box  
 3: Naked Pairs/Triples  
 4: Hidden Pairs/Triples 
 5: KenDoku Combinations  
 6: Dog Legs  
 7: Pointing Pairs  
 8: Box/Line Reduction  
Tough Strategies
 9: Cage/Unit Overlap  
10: X-Wing  
11: Simple Colouring  
12: Y-Wing  
13: Swordfish  
14: Cage Compare  
Diabolical Strategies
15: X-Cycles  
16: XY-Chain  
17: 3D Medusa  
Evil Strategies
18: Grouped X-Cycles  
19: Altern. Inference Chains 
20: Digit Forcing Chains  
21: Cell Forcing Chains  
22: Unit Forcing Chains  
23: Almost Locked Sets  
24: Quad Forcing Chains  

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The Rules

All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every row, column and 3 by 2 box. In each coloured block (or 'cage'), the target number in the small board above is calculated from the digits in all the cells in the block, using the operation indicated.

The difference between Killer and KenDoku is that the later uses the other arthetical operators as well as addition AND KenDoku allows duplicate numbers in the same cage.

Coordinate system: Letter/Number rYcX

Free Sudoku and Str8ts for Print

Welcome to this KenDoku® Solver

New in version 2.28.2 (23th Nov 2024)
New Packed String Definition and transport scheme Now version 'C'. (Version 'B' was live for a week 14th-23rd Nov 2024). Version 'C' allows double the largest clue number.

New: Version 2.23 (Jul 15th 2024)
Complete code update. Added Grader and Solve Path

New: Version 2.09 (Nov 28th 2015)
Upgrade to the Core Engine and all most improvements since 2011.

New: Version 2.01 (March 25th 2011)
Updated with all the new Sudoku and Killers (that apply), removed some depeciated ones and one strategy which was not applicable.

New: Version 1.02 (June 28th 2009)
KenDoku Solver released

Quick help: Using this Solver

You can pick examples from the list above. Click on Take Step to step through the solution. Unknown squares are filled with 'candidates' - possible solutions.
Any cells that are reduced to one possible candidate are solved.

You can enter a new KenDoku puzzle using the new 'designer' - click on "Enter new KenDoku". Once you fill in the clues and set up the cages correctly it can be solved.

Unlike the other solvers you can only edit the main board when solving. The small board only displays the clues.

Email your puzzle to a friend
Copy and paste the contents of the green box into your email program and send it off.
The links contain the puzzle which will load when your friend visits the Sudoku Solver.
Solver created on 30-May-2009.
This page was last modified on 19-Jan-2025.
All code and design is copyright and for personal use only and may not be reproduced elsewhere.
Copyright Andrew Stuart @ Syndicated Puzzles, 2005-2025