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Interesting Sudokus

This is a page I'm adding to collect some of the aesthetically pleasing, even beautiful Sudoku puzzles that come my way. Some will be just normal Sudokus with interesting clue distributions, some will have special properties outside the strategy lists that would place them there.

Nine empty units
Nine empty units : From the Start

Nine empty units. Could be wrong, but I can't believe there can be more than nine.

Discovered by Klaus Brenner
5x5 Blank Center
5x5 Blank Center : From the Start

This first set has been created by the prolific compiler Klaus Brenner

Minimal at 24 Clues with a 5x5 blank space in the center

Anchor : From the Start
25 Clues, minimal "Anchor“
Battlement : From the Start
23 Clues, minimal "Battlement“
Vase : From the Start
23 Clues, minimal "Vase“
2x3x3 : From the Start
24 Clues, minimal "2x3x3 mirrored by diagonal“
2 squeezed naughts
2 squeezed naughts : From the Start
24 Clues, minimal "2 squeezed naughts mirrored by diagonal"


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... by: Anoushiravan Daneshvar

Saturday 19-Aug-2023
Very informative site for Soduku fans at all levels. Found the materials on Swordfish quite useful. This applies as well to explanations regarding what interesting you call exotic techniques.
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Article created on 4-September-2018. Views: 9342
This page was last modified on 27-November-2018.
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