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Sudoku Solver for iPhone

Released 30th April 2012
Now in the AppStore

Our SudokuWiki Solver App for the iPhone/iPod touch is now four years old. Some users on the latest iOS versions are reporting that Apple is reporting that the App is giving the message "The developer of this app must update this app in order to improve the compatibility". I would love to do that but unfortunately I don't possess the source project files (other than the Core Sudoku Engine). Although I have tinkered with some Apps in iOS this platform is not really in my skill-set. I am much more comfortable with Android and continue to main that App.

If there is a developer out there who would be interested in redeveloping this project either for a fixed fee or a share of the sales, then please contact me. I'd want to base the new version on the Android for which full source can be provided. Contact me on andrew AT str8ts .com.

Do give us your Feedback Form - especially new ideas - on this page or on the Apple Store.
Our App Support Page is here. We'll post updates to this page.

Sudoku Solver and Grader
This App contains the full 9x9 Sudoku Solver as seen on this website. This includes the Grading feature and Solution Counter.
Strategy Guides
Included are all the strategy documentation found on this site and each example can be loaded into the solver at a click.
Puzzle Feed
The Daily and Weekly puzzles on this site are now automatically downloaded into the App!
Camera Input
We're very pleased to include a camera input directly from the App. Click, check and load into the solver.
Keep track of the puzzles you solve with an almost limitless list entry - each nameable.
New to our solver - Instead of just "Take Step" use "Hint" to give you the strategy to look for without revealing the answers.
Resume / Back
Better than the website with real 'state' saving - quit and resume any time. Also a start to end 'back' button.
Email and Facebook
Send to your friends via Email or Facebook. Links back to the solver enable easy loading of shared puzzles.
Screen Shot 1
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The SudokuWiki Solver App has all the cell and candidate highlighting used on the website version. Here and XY-Chain is found.
Note: Screen shots have been shrunk by half

Next build - released!

  • We have added an automatic download of the four Daily Sudoku puzzles (one of each grade) plus the Sunday Extreme Sudoku AND the weekly Unsolvable. These will be stored in the list of available puzzles for easy loading. This website allows you to play one of the four Daily Sudoku - the other three are available through syndication and on the 5 Daily Puzzles app.

Next build and Version 2

  • Our immediate plan after release of version 1 will be to create an iPad version of this solver. With the iPhone version done it is 90% ready. We just need to take advantage of the great space afforded by the iPad
  • Concurrent with the iPad version will be the first build of the Android version.
  • Version 2 will start to include Solvers for other variants, to be added in this order: Sudoku X (because it's the easiest), Killer Sudoku, Jigsaw Sudoku, Colour Sudoku.
  • On our wish list for version 2 - add a Sudoku 'Player' with a feed from this website so you can solve the Daily Sudoku puzzles - and if you get stuck, carry them over to the solver.
  • From recent feedback we know that your wish list includes a 'hint' system. This will enable you to use the solver as a player and the "take step" would suggest a strategy at any stage. This is a very interesting feature and I will prototype it on the website solver first. - this is now in the released version!
  • Various Sizes will also be considered: 6x6 and 8x8

If you want to add something to this list or make a point about how the solver should work, please let me know, either write to me at, or use the Feedback or leave a comment or Facebook comment here on this page.

All ideas welcome

best regards

Andrew Stuart and Oliver Foggin

Article created on 10-February-2013. Views: 113789
This page was last modified on 10-February-2013.
All text is copyright and for personal use only but may be reproduced with the permission of the author.
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